Despite being joked about being unproductive and stuck to their phones, Millennials proved to be pros at handling lockdown.
“Millennials (a.k.a. Gen Y) are stereotyped as lazy and entitled.”
(1) This may be because of their reliance on technology and wanting to feel included, as most of their school days meant getting rewarded for participating in anything.
However, due to them having educational schedules they were instructed to stick to and an encouragement towards productive hobbies, Gen Y has developed a habit of wanting structure and productivity. This habit proved useful in The Pandemic, as having structure even from home was advised my many people, in order to make The Lockdown a time of work and productivity.
Furthermore, Gen Y are more aligned with technology. Being the generation that has plenty of phone applications and the latest PC updates, their tech priorities came in handy. With many people working from home, a lot of us were having to use Zoom for the first time and were faced with tasks such as downloading and learning how to operate new work systems such as Microsoft Teams collaboration software. However, Millennials are pros at getting around new technological platforms. Therefore, this aspect of the change in work routine was a walk in the park. “Millennials are known for their tech excellence and can easily find and manoeuvre their way around new productivity applications”
They were also pros when it came to the expenses side of things in The Lockdown. This is due to many of their expenses usually being spent on going out and socialising. The Pandemic prevented people from doing so for quite a while, meaning Millennials were saving money. Here is an excerpt from a survey carried out American Millennials. “Seventy-eight of those of those working from home said their overall expenses had decreased, compared with 60% of those working from their regular job site. The reason: higher home spending on electricity, groceries and coffee was offset by extensive savings on transportation and eating out”
Some of us would also agree that Millennials are the most productive generation. Therefore, it could be the case that they were the best at enduring a difficult time in the world. It seems Gen Y enjoys having productivity play a big part in their life, and so they may have made this a key focus when coping with the Corona crisis. “Whether it’s finding free meditation apps that help them stay calm, free CRM options for their new sales job, or automation tools for testing apps, this younger generation puts a premium on productivity”
Could Millennials be unexpected professionals when it came to enduring a big change in lifestyle due to the 2020 pandemic? Maybe their tech savvy, productive tactics paved the way for them to use 2020 as a time for success and more than a time surrounded by just confusion and struggle.
(1) Gibbons, Serenity. 2017. ‘8 Reasons Why Millennials Are More Productive than Any Other Generation’.
Entrepreneur Europe. Available at:
(2) Author Unknown. 2019. ‘5 ways millennials are revolutionizing the workplace’. Western Governors University. Available at:
(3) S. Fisher, Micheal. 2020. ‘Pandemic Lockdown Provides Silver Lining For Millennials’. Think Advisor. Available at: (4) Gibbons, Serenity. 2017. ‘8 Reasons Why Millennials Are More Productive than Any Other Generation’. Entrepreneur Europe. Available at: