Step 1.Get your Business Face on (business attire).
People have always said that the clothes you wear can affect how you feel. There is a happy balance that allows comfort and dressing to impress. "Employees who usually work in a public-facing capacity and now are dealing with customers over the phone may not need to be dressed to the same standards as before." (1).However, it could be argued that dressing up for work, even without an office or official workplace, can have a great affect.
It's a known concept that certain clothes put you in certain mindsets. When at home, it's easy to put on what looks the most appealing, which is usually a hoodie or sweatshirt, but if you were to wear something you would have worn into your old office, this could possibly put you into a productive mood.
Another positive factor of dressing up whilst working at home is boosting your energy levels and giving yourself more motivation in the process to kickstart your workday. A writer from the Insider Blog, tested this exact theory for a week by wearing workday outfits whilst working from home. "As I walked to the kitchen to make my morning cup of tea, I felt a little more energized be dress for the office" .
Step 2. Take your Place.
Get you Tech ready. Working from home is quickly becoming a new norm in our world.
Video calls are a part of daily life now, especially when it comes to work-life. And being ready for whatever video call we have at work is essential. We are now indeed in a Video world, which has taken a little time for most to get used to. Confidence shows in Video calls and donning your best office attire at work from home from time to time can have a positive impact on your workday.
3. Get Comfortable with your Space.
Yes technology is supposed to provide remote workers with a simulacrum what the office provided. Still, beyond that it is also so crucial that you are comfortable and fee immersed in the Physical Space you will spend you 9-5, Monday to Friday. Here employers need to need to support employees beyond providing them with access to the latest technology. "The pandemic has increased the trend of employers playing an expanded role in their employees' financial, physical and mental well-being. Support includes enhanced sick leave, financial assistance, adjusted hours of operation and childcare provisions." (3).
Covid-19, work-life has changed drastically. And this will be a fact that will stay in place in the future also. We will most likely not go back to the work-life we once considered as normal. The traditional office work lifestyle will most likely no longer be the norm, and new routines of productivity and work schedules will be coming into play. Understanding what supports your wellness, happiness and productivity at work is key to feeling comfortable in your Personal Workspace.
This can be as simple as 1-2-3, Face-Place-Space.
What do you think? Do you agree with the idea that dressing smart, even whilst at home, can encourage our workday to be more positive?
(1) Smith, Allen. 2020. ‘Dress-Code Policies Reconsidered in the Pandemic.’ SHRM. Available at:
(2) Lakritz, Talia. 2020. ‘I tried dressing up while working from home for a week, and I'd rather live in leggings’. Insider. Available at:
(3) Baker, Mary. 2020. ‘9 Future of Work Trends Post-Covid-19’. Smarter with Gartner. Available at: