Could this be a pairing that go hand in hand?
When we think of the word resilience, it seems strange that The Lockdown could be paired with such an optimistic term. The pandemic is a dark cloud for all of us, but through dark times, an uplifted spirit can often be more prominent than ever. Here are some of the ways in which people encouraged a resilient mindset during the rollercoaster of 2020.
The Era of Video Chats
Although we weren’t able to go out and grab a coffee with any friend or family member when we wanted, people embraced the power of video chatting. The ability to call and see the face of a loved one on our phone, tablet or pc screens was something we cherished. Zoom calls where happening left right and centre, and this was something that helped tackle a feeling of loneliness. It could be argued that some of us even felt less lonely than before. According to a study taken out by The World Economic Forum this idea might be true. “One study used augmented reality to enable two people to interact with each other’s video chat images and found that they reported higher sense of social presence and a more engaging experience.”
The Power of Atmosphere
Another way in which people took advantage of the powers of technology during lockdown was using YouTube’s content to create any atmosphere they wanted. Thousands of content creators have made videos purely to make you feel as though you are somewhere else. If people want to feel relaxed, there are videos of 8 hours’ worth of rain noises or crackling fires. If people want to feel social whilst working, they can listen to a coffee shop soundtrack, which in many cases is actual recordings from coffee shops. Here is an example with over 2 Million views, showing just how popular these videos are:
People can be transported to any place simply with an internet connection and a pair of headphones. During The Lockdown, this was incredibly useful. The videos encouraged a feeling of peace and positivity, as people were able to experience whatever atmosphere they desired.
Emotional Intimacy
No matter how close you are with friends or family, living with them brings a new level of intimacy. Knowing each other’s daily routines, habits and patterns encourages an undeniable feeling of closeness. Despite many of us struggling to live with family and friends and not being able to go out as often for time to ourselves, this aspect of The Lockdown simultaneously pushed levels of emotional intimacy. Going through this time with other people in your household creates a new bond that people may have not shared before with one another.
The Greatness of Gratitude
Gratitude for what and who you have in your life was prominent this year. With loved ones not being able to physically meet, an appreciation for one another strengthened. Furthermore, the gratitude for the healthcare systems, such as the NHS was a huge part of The Lockdown social dynamic. The Clap for Carers for the NHS was UK wide and every Thursday people stepped out of their doors and clapped to show their admiration for the NHS, who saved thousands of lives across the nation. This gratitude was so prominent, even the royal family showed their respect. “Prince Charles and his wife Camilla joined the nation by ¬clapping outside the front door of their ¬Scottish home at Birkhall in Aberdeenshire. A spokesman for the couple said that they wanted to show their “continued appreciation for NHS staff and other key workers on the front line”.” The atmosphere of gratitude was a key aspect of The Lockdown and The Pandemic as a whole.
Despite the struggles we were and still are enduring due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, a resilient mindset kept us strong. We learned how to connect better with one another, appreciate the people in our lives and show our gratitude for the silver lining of 2020.
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(1)Henschel, Anna. Cross, Emily S. 2020. ‘Here’s the neuroscience of loneliness, and why technology can help.’ World Economic Forum:
(2) ΣHAANTI - Virtual Environment. 2018. Rainy Day at the Coffee Shop Ambiance - 8 Hours of Rain, background chatter and Jazz Music. Available at:
(3) Fricker, Martin. 2020. ‘Millions join emotional Clap for Carers to show love for NHS and frontline heroes. Mirror: